Saturday, August 10, 2019

A DIFFICULT CHOICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A DIFFICULT CHOICE - Essay Example Chances of avalanches are real! It is not possible for anyone to survive in this condition of blinding blizzard, in the tent for 10-15 days at a stretch. Even the return journey is going to be perilous! We venture to give this advice to you from our fifteen years’ experience with the moods of the Himalayas. The weather may worsen further or everything may be perfect by tomorrow. That is the unpredictability about the Himalayas.† At our insistence they agreed to stay in this camp for another two days. If the weather is fine by tomorrow, we shall make a trial ascent in the morning and return to the camp by evening. That will give us confidence for the final assault and to acclimatize our bodies to high altitude conditions. My dear friend, you know the challenge of Mount Everest has been my daring dream. My birth at Colorado has something to do with it. But let me tell you, mountaineering at Colorado, are kindergarten stuff as compared to the challenge of the Himalayas. From a distance, Everest looks a graceful and gentle mountain. In the climber’s life its conquest is the ultimate achievement. I came here in pursuit of that ambition, and my girl-friend Sandia, had reservations about the timings of my adventure. â€Å"Attempt it two-three years after our marriage,† she often pleaded. â€Å"No, you will marry the Everest hero, not an ordinary mountaineer,† I retorted. Right now we are in a brutally exposing situation. In all probability, we are up to a do or die situation. In any case, we two will not give up without making a final attempt on the summit, when the blizzard stops and the weather turns favorable. Frankly, I have no moral courage to address this letter to Sandia directl y. She is tender-hearted and would be unable to bear the shock of my being stuck up in the snowy heights of the Himalayas. When you get this letter, meet her, do pep talks to bolster up her spirits and then show her the letter. With

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