Saturday, August 31, 2019

Student Stress

Today's students are faced with many challenges, many additional pressures, and numerous stresses. High school creates a variety of difficulties and challenges for teens but on average their main stresses are schoolwork, personal problems and time consuming Jobs. Teens find themselves under far too much pressure. Being a teenager Is typically thought of as a fun and free time In life, but It's turning Into a stressful period in a person's life. Most teens set a goal of doing well in school to achieve their dream job or Just better themselves.Many classes feel short and quick, teachers buzz through topics and units faster than most can comprehend. Still, the teachers and parents expect you to be able to achieve high marks on tests and assignments. The work load is enormous. Every class you are expected to do an hour or two of homework every night and finding the time is close to impossible. Most programs at university expect a high 80 percent average. For some it comes easy, others, a great challenge. Expectations from universities and parents can add more stress on to your already trustful school life.I personally feel as If school has gotten a lot harder since our parents attended. Since they had a grade 13, an extra year to prepare and learn. This means that everything taught within five years Is now squeezed Into four. Learning at a quicker pace is a lot more difficult than having an extra year. High school impacts a student's life for the rest of their educational path. Along with many hours at school, most students have a part time Job to attend right after school. Work conflicts with school and the work load.I personally have a art time Job and after working 5-6 hours after school, homework is the last thing on my mind. Many teens get jobs to gain independence from their parents and stand on their own financially. However there is also the reality of funding post-secondary education. University tuitions are expensive and have been rising throughout the ye ars. Some the dream of university is all based around grades but the finances too. Saving up and working hard at school Is extremely stressful and hard to find a balance between school, work and a social life.Students need time to relax and moieties that's hard to find. I get extremely stressed whenever I have work and even the smallest amount of homework, so I can only imagine how it is for grade twelve working all the time with huge amounts of homework. Working as a teenager is stressful and adding homework on top of that can be unbelievable. Personal problems are a reality for almost everyone. But for teenagers it's harder to handle due to social media, bullying and parents. Social media has been a huge toll on many of my friends.The drama that surrounds social media can be tolling on a student's incineration. Privacy is a thing of a past with almost every personal problem now being slew on social media sights. This has happened to everyone at some point in high school, either be ing bullied on or off social media. Even If it's not In school, family stresses can dramatically Impact your day or your attentiveness In and out of school. High school is stressful from the start, but the stress accumulates as the years go important that students be able to recognize this stress and deal with it before it becomes overwhelming.

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Daughter Azul Essay

I’m not speaking about the blue color, even though â€Å"azul† means blue, this time I talking about my daughter, my little piece of blue sky named Azul. I have a wonderful family; we are all Mexican, my husband, Jose; my little men, Pepito; and my beautiful daughter, Azul. I’m proud of my daughter because she is a brilliant student, a very happy girl, and a great sister. Azul is well known in her school for being a wonderful learner. She won â€Å"Student of the Month† twice last year, this might sound like â€Å"Is not a big deal†, but consider that last year, while we were living in Mexico, she didn ´t know a word about English and now she is earning all kind of awards in a language that is not her mother tongue. Her teacher says that she works in class as a bee. She gets up really early to get ready for school, sometimes she asks me to go to wait for the bus twenty minutes before the bus arrives, she really enjoys going to school. My daughter is a very joyful girl, she sings and dances all the time, every afternoon she steps in front of the TV and looks at music videos to dance and sing with her friends, they look at her like a rock star and all laugh between songs and dancing moves. Is amazing how she makes fun of nothing at all; she’s as happy as the day is long. These good qualities are not even the half when you compare them to her value as a sister. She takes care of Pepito whenever I ask her to do it. She comforts and huge to him when she sees him crying. She could spend all day playing, running, and having fun with him. All these things might sound like the kind of things that any older sister does with her younger brother, but what I really think that makes a real difference is the fact that Azul knows how hard it can be when you arrive to any place and you don’t understand anything about they are saying, that’s why she really cares about teaching to her baby brother with love to speak in both languages, English and Spanish. That’s why I’m really happy and proud of my daughter and I know that she will have a brilliant future in many ways. I wish she always be happy and her smile remains forever.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Purinex, Inc Warren Buffett Essay

1. What is the possible meaning of the changes in stock price for Berkshire Hathaway and Scottish Power plc on the day of the acquisition announcement? Specifically, what does the $2.55 billion gain in Berkshire’s market value of equity imply about the intrinsic value of PacifiCorp? Answer1: The increase in the stock price of Scottish Power plc and Berkshire Hathaway indicate a market approval for the acquisition and created value for both buyers and sellers. Answer2: a. the possible meaning of the changes in stock price is due to the fact that the deal created value for both buyers and sellers; Berkshire was more diversified after the acquisition. b. The $2.55 billion gain in Berkshire’s market value of equity implied that the intrinsic value of PacifiCorp was good because it fell within the range of competitors based on the following calculations: $2.55 billion / 312/18 million = $8.17 – Berkshire is willing to pay this premium for each share of PacifiCorp 5.1 billion / 312.18 million = $16.30 per share of PacifiCorp $8.17 + 16.30 = $24.47 (see Exhibit 9) Answer3: The possible explanations in the change in stock price for Berkshire would be for a couple of reasons. One of them is that investors invest based on the behavioral finance theory which implies that their investments are driven by psychological factors. These factors would be that believing that Mr. Buffet is the guru of investment, therefore he is right and it must be a very good investment. Moreover looking at the financial statements of march 2005 we see that the book value of PacifiCorp = 3377.1 Billions/312.12 million shares =$10.82 per share. However, the increase of 2.17 billion dollars at the day of the announcements of Berkshire implies that that true value of PacifiCorp should be higher if we divide the 2.17 billions /312.12 million shares we have that the PacifiCorp share should have a $ 6.95 dollar value higher. 2. Based on the multiples for comparable regulated utilities, what is the range of possible values for PacifiCorp? What questions might you have about this range? Answer1: a. we find the range of possible values for PacifiCorp in Exhibit 10. i. Revenue median of $6.252 Billion, mean of $6.584 Billion. ii. EBIT median of $8.775 Billion, mean of $9.289 Billion. iii. EBITDA median of $9.023 Billion, mean of $9.076 Billion. iv. Net Income median of $7.596 Billion, mean of $7.553 Billion. v. EPS median of $4.277 Billion, and a mean of $4.308 Billion. vi. Book value median of $5.904 Billion, mean of $5.678 Billion. b. Question about revenue; the implied value of PacifiCorp is giving impractical results for range of revenue as compared to EBIT, EBITDA, & Net income (Expected: Revenue > EBITDA > EBIT > NI). Answer2: Alliant E. Corp Low price P/E =23.50/1.42=16.55 High price P/E =28.80/1.42=20.28 Cinergy Corp Low price P/E =34.90/1.42 =16.23 High price P/E =42.60/2.15=19.81 NSTAR Low price P/E =22.70/1,79=12.75 High price P/E =27.20/1.78 =15.28 SCANA Corp Low price P/E =32.80/2.34=14.02 High price P/E =39.70/2.34 =16.93 WEC Low price P/E =29.50/2.62=11.26 High price P/E =34.60/2.62 =13.21 Industry average low price P/E=14.20 Industry average high price P/E =17.11 PacifiCorp EPS =0.81 Stock price of PacifiCorp= EPS x (P/E industry) Range of PacifiCorp possible values Low price >0.81Ãâ€"14.20= $11.50 High price >0.81Ãâ€"17.11=$13.86 Possible value for PacifiCorp using EBITDA Total value Company =market value + net debt Market multiple =total value company /EBITDA EBITDA Alliant E. Corp= 7.45x NSTAR 7.53x SCANA Corp 9.25x WEC 8.47x Average =8.18x Total value of company = Market multiple X EBITDA PacifiCorp’s EBITDA=1093.30 Market multiple =8.1 Value of PacifiCorp = 8.18Ãâ€"1093.30 =8,943.19 million dollars 3. Assess the bid for PacifiCorp. How does it compare with the firm’s intrinsic value? As an alternative, the instructor could suggest that students perform a simple discounted cash-flow (DCF) analysis. Answer1: If you use CAPM for the simple DCF analysis: K=rf+B(rm-rt) rf =5.762K=5.762+.75(10.5-5.762) B=.75=9.32%=Discount rate rm=10.5 $5.1/(1+.0932)=$4.76 => it is in range of the rest of the comparable firms. Answer2: 4. How well has Berkshire Hathaway performed? How well has it performed in the aggregate? What about its investment in MidAmerican Energy Holdings? Answer1: Overall, Berkshire Hathaway has performed brilliantly in the last 40 years. Berkshire’s class A shares have been among the highest-priced shares on the New York Stock Exchange, in part because they have never had a stock split and never paid a dividend, retaining corporate earnings on its balance sheet in a manner that is impermissible for private investors and mutual funds. The company averaged an annual growth in book value of 20.3% to its shareholders for the last 40 years. Answer2: It has performed very well. Berkshire Hathaway has consistently outperformed the market since its inception in 1965. In 1977, the firm’s year end closing share price was $107; on May 24, 2005 the closing price on its Class A shares reached $85,500. Berkshire has had an annual increase of wealth of 24% since 1965, which is more than double the 10.5% of the average increase for other large stocks. It started out with a decline due to inflation, technological change, and intensifying competition from foreign competitors, but has recuperated well after closing the textile side of their business. Berkshire Hathaway had recently been performing below S&P 500 Index according to Exhibit 1, from April 2005 to May 2005. Scottish Power had consistently outperformed the S&P 500 Index from March to May 2005. This probably was one aspect that attracted Berkshire to purchase PacifiCorp. We believe that it was a good investment. In 2002 they owned 9.9% of the voting interest and 83.7% of the economic interest in the equity of MidAmerican. This allows them to have a major stake in the company without violating utility laws, which has proven to be successful for them. According to Exhibit 6, MidAmerican Holdings had a net earnings of 170 million in 2004, but compared to 2003 net earnings of 416 million, MidAmerican had a net loss from 2003-2004. Acquiring PacifiCorp would supply much needed new, more profitable investments to raise their net income in 2005. Answer3: Performance of Berkshire since 1977 to 2005 PV=102 FV=85500 N=28 I=34% ` S & P performance since 1977 to 2005 PV =96 FV=1192 N=28 I=9.42 Berkshire has outperformed S & P by 24.58% 5. What is your assessment of Berkshire’s investments in Buffett’s Big Four: American Express, Coca-Cola, Gillette, and Wells Fargo? Answer1: They invested in well established and successful firms. They put a lot of money up front for these investments, but since have made substantial gains for their investment. The total cost to Berkshires investment in the Big 4 was $3.832 Billion, but the market value of their investment was $24.681 Billion. This means that Berkshire’s current gain on their investment in the big 4 is $20.849 Billion. Their gain is 5.44 times their investment I would have to say that these were very well thought out and successful investments. Answer2: Buffet’s approach of investments is based on the fundamental analysis of the company itself. It is based on simplicity and consistency of its operation history, attractiveness of long term prospects, quality of management and firm’s capacity to create value. The big four, Coca-Cola, American Express, Gillette and Wells Fargo have all these characteristics. For instance Coca- Cola has been in business since 1919(Reuters). It is a multinational with the biggest market share worldwide. Coca-Cola’s finished beverage products bearing its trademarks are sold in more than 200 countries ( Buffet looks at what the consumers are looking for and what the general economic trend is at that time and what it will be over time. He researches a company as a whole and looks at what people want and what people are transitioning into in the future. For instance most of his investments in the big four were done in 1992. During these 13 years we can see how well the big four have performed compare with the S& P 500 S & P 500 At January 1992 adjusted to dividends and splits =408.78 At December 2005 adjusted to dividends and splits =1248.29 n=13 Return =8.96% American Express. Price at January 1992 adjusted to dividends and splits =4.02 Price at December 2005 adjusted to dividends and splits =49.68 N= 13 Return =21.34% Wells Fargo Price at January 1992 adjusted to dividends and splits =2.69 Price at December 2005 adjusted to dividends and splits =28.25 N=13 Return =19.82% Coca-Cola Price at January 1992 adjusted to dividends and split =14.5 Price at December 2005 adjusted to dividends and splits 37.50 N=13 Return =7.50% 6. From Warren Buffett’s perspective, what is the intrinsic value? Why is it accorded such importance? How is it estimated? What are the alternatives to intrinsic value? Why does Buffett reject them? Answer1: a. the discounted value of the cash that can be taken out of a business during its remaining life. Intrinsic value is per-share progress. Buffett assessed intrinsic value as the present value of future expected performance. b. Because if focuses on ability to earn returns in excess of the cost of capital, not accounting profit. Only logical way is to evaluate the relative attractiveness. c. The gain in intrinsic value could be modeled as the value added by a business above and beyond the charge for the use of capital in that business. d. Accounting profit, performance of Berkshire by its size, consolidated reported earnings e. Accounting reality was conservative, backward looking, and governed by GAAP (measures in terms of net profit). Investment decisions should be based on economic reality. This includes intangible assets such as patents, trademarks, special managerial expertise, reputation, etc. Answer2: The definition of intrinsic value according to Mr. Buffet is the present value of all future expected cash flows or performance. The measurements of intrinsic value are focused on the ability of the company to earn a return in excess of the cost of capital including the opportunity cost. Intrinsic value is not based only on the net profit. Alternatives to intrinsic value: 1) Accounting profit. Mr. Buffet believes that the true value of a company is based on its intrinsic value not on its accounting profit. Financial statements prepared by accountants are conformed around rules that do not adequately represent the economic reality of business. 2) Technical analysis. Mr. Buffet rejects the technical analysis that attempts to predict the stock prices based on momentum of trends. He believes in long term investment. 3) Efficient market hypothesis. Mr. Buffet rejects the efficient market hypothesis theory (EHM). He believes that there are opportunities out there. Investing should be based on information analysis of the company. 7. Critically assess Buffett’s investment philosophy. Be prepared to identify points where you agree and disagree with him. Answer1: Warren Buffett has a very simple method of investment strategy compared to other investors. Buffett’s philosophy is defined in 8 elements. We will discuss whether we agree or disagree with each one individually. We agree with Buffett’s first element of analyzing economic reality of investments. Most investors focus on financial statements and net profit, but don’t take into consideration intangible assets such as management experience and patents. We also agree with Buffett’s second element of lost opportunity cost comparison. By analyzing expected returns of an investment compared to the rate of return of using that same investment money in another investment, Buffett takes a simple idea that everyone uses in almost every decision, and applies it to a much more complex investment strategy. Everyone weigh’s the alternative when making a decision, whether that decision is a choice of a coffee or a coke or something more complex like a college education versus not getting an education. Buffett uses the third element of intrinsic value instead of book value or historical data to determine his investment choices. We agree with this element, but do believe a combination of the two methods would work better to show historically how the company has performed, and how much that company will be worth in the future. The rate of return reflects more of the economic value of an investment. In the fourth element, Buffett measures performance by per share basis. We do agree with his reasoning for using this method, but we think overall performance should be measured as well to show a better figure of what the whole is worth compared to the parts. The fifth element is one that we don’t agree with. Buffett uses a 30 year U.S. Treasury Bond Rate of Return instead of the traditional CAPM rate, because he believes that his investments are so solid, they don’t need risk factored in. We disagree with his choice for rate of return because all investments have a degree of risk, and return should be factored according to that level of risk. Buffett not believing in risk is like someone not believing we breathe air. Even though we can’t see it, it is still there. The sixth element is also a point of disagreement for me. Buffett says he doesn’t believe in diversification of investments, even stating that diversification is considered protection against ignorance. What Buffett does not realize is that by saying he does not believe in diversification, he is being a hypocrite. Berkshire Hathaway itself is a massively diverse company with several subsidiaries and holdings in many different industries from apparel to energy. Buffett may own most of his stock in his own company, but he knows by diversifying Berkshire, he will avoid adding more risk, which is exactly the strategy that is used by other investors when diversifying their stocks. We agree with the seventh element that investment decisions should be made by doing proper research on information about the company, and not by following an anonymous tip or a gut feeling. Finally, we agree with the eighth element that a firm’s management and shareholders should have the same goals for the firm. Management should have most of their wealth in company stock so as to serve the shareholders better in day-to-day decision making that affects the value of their investments. Answer2: Mr. Buffet does not believe in diversification. We believe that diversification helps in times like the one that the market is having right know. For instance stock value of American Express in the last year has ranged from $53 a year ago to $15 dollars this week resulting in a loss of 70 % and also the market value of Wells Fargo is down by 65% (yahoo finance). If you compare those two companies with the S & P during the last year it is only down by 40%. This also means that market risk is still there. We believe that Mr. Buffet has not had a situation in the economy such as the one that the country is having now. Even he, the guru of investments is losing money, so we know that the risk is there. We agree on his philosophy on investing behavior. It should not be driven by emotion or hunch but should be a well thought out plan that came about by information, analysis and self-discipline. If you go by hunch or emotion then anyone can work you up and sell you the worst deal of your life, but make you think it is the best one you will ever get. We agree with his belief on the alignment of owners and investors. It is always a good thing when the owner has more than 50% of his net worth invested in the company because the goal would definitely be increasing shareholder wealth. 8. Should Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholders endorse the acquisition of PacifiCorp? Answer1: Yes, PacifiCorp will add around $250 million in net income for MidAmerican Holdings if PacifiCorp keeps at its same net income pattern of the last two years. This added net income will increase shareholder wealth in Berkshire Hathaway and provide a stable long term investment for the future. Also, since PacifiCorp’s intrinsic value is comparable to the industry, Berkshire is not adding much more risk to their portfolio. Berkshire should look at adding more of these type safer investments to their portfolio. Answer2: The Berkshire Hathaway shareholders should endorse the acquisition of PacifiCorp. It took a while for Mr. Buffet to finally invest their cash equivalents because he was looking for an â€Å"elephant† which is a company that makes significant gains. Factors that make it a good acquisition include the fact that PacifiCorp is a low-cost energy producer but has the biggest market share among the energy companies which is 1.6 million customers divided among 6 states plus the intrinsic value of the company is much higher than the market value of PacifiCorp.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International Business Strategies in Action Assignment - 2

International Business Strategies in Action - Assignment Example McDonald’s decided to penetrate the Chinese fast food market in the year 1992 by establishing the company’s store in Shenzhen and later in Beijing which was the world’s largest fast food retail outlet owned by the company. The objective of McDonald’s in expanding internationally was evidently to attain competitive advantage in the international market gaining the opportunities rendered by other economies such as China. For instance, China has been witnessed to be one of the fastest growing economies in terms of population, customer demand and technology since the 1990s. It is in this context that DeWit & Meyer stated the organisational purpose or mission to play a significant role in influencing the internationalisation strategies of a company. The organisational purpose of McDonald’s is depicted through its mission statement, i.e. â€Å"Plan to Win†. Through its mission statement, the company has always focused on deriving superior customer satisfaction, sustainable growth, along with the continuous development of its operations and enhancement of customers’ experiences as competitive advantages.... atement, the company has always focused on deriving superior customer satisfaction, sustainable growth, along with the continuous development of its operations and enhancement of customers’ experiences as competitive advantages (McDonald’s, 2011). However, in relation to McDonald’s entry in China, the prime objective of the company can be witnessed to attain a competitive advantage in terms of differentiation with due concern to the increasing competition of the global market. For instance, McDonald’s in its entry strategies fundamentally focused on the consumer demand of China in relation to American fast food items with the sole intention to differentiate its products from that of its competitors not only in the Chinese market but in the global market as well (Luo, 2000). Therefore, it was quite likely that the entry strategies adopted by the company were likely to be influenced by the external environmental factors of the then Chinese economy. 3.0 Situa tional Analysis: PESTLE Analysis of China 3.1 Political Environment In the early 1990s, the political system of China was recorded to be under significant change from the Confucian statecraft towards Marxism point-of-view. It was during this period that the Chinese economy was concentrating on mobilisation and was opening up to the external world that in turn gave rise to various political issues (Shambaugh & Et. Al., 2000). 3.2 Economic Environment China’s growth during the period was observed as outstanding in the global market. During the 1990s, China witnessed rapid growth in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) earning as depicted in the chart below. Figure 1. China’s GDP in 1990s Source: (Flores & Et. Al., 2003). However, the GDP growth rate of the economy was observed to be highly fluctuating

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Information Technology Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Information Technology Governance - Essay Example The establishment of Information Technology Governance as regulatory framework focusing on the information technology infrastructure used in organizations worldwide has not supported the organizational needs in terms of information technology – at least not at the level expected. The reasons for this failure are analyzed in this paper; reference is made to the main aspects of Information Technology Governance but also to its relationship with other key organizational frameworks – especially the Corporate Governance. In order to understand the problems related with the development of Information Technology Governance it would be necessary to refer primarily to the characteristics and the role of this framework as part of organizational environment. The main role of Information Corporate Governance is to establish the criteria – or else the standards – on which the management of Information Technology Systems has to be based. In accordance with Solms et al. (p.9) Information Technology Governance can be characterized as ‘the leadership and organizational structure and processes that ensure that the organisation’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives’. In its above form, Information Technology Governance is of critical importance for the survival and the development of organizations in the context of the international community. Emphasis should be paid on the legal rules regulating the above framework but also to the challeng es/ problems that this framework may have to face. One of the priorities of rules regulating the Information Technology Governance is to ensure quality – in all its aspects; in this way, it is expected that risks and problems in all these systems’ operational aspects can be limited. Commonly, quality is the issue on which the relevant rules focus. Because organizational needs

Barriers to Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Barriers to Communication - Essay Example Recent research has shown that many recruiters now rate communication skills as the most important characteristic sought for in job applicants during selection (Yate, 2009). In this paper, I will be illuminating on the most important barriers that must be understood in order for organizations improve on the communication skills of their people and ultimately efficiency. I will begin by defining what communication is before discussing the process through which occurs with the intention of helping all readers of the report to better utilize the communication function for better personal and organizational performance. Communication can be well defined as a method of exchanging information and common understating between individuals. Unless a mutual understanding is generated from exchange of information, communication will not take place smoothly. The most important necessities in every communication process are the sender and the recipient. The sender will usually start the communication. The recipient is that particular person for which a message is intended. Message refers to the outcome and it may take any form from verbal to nonverbal or written or Language. The flow of information between senders may be hindered by noise, which includes perceptions, barriers in form of language, emotional issues, physical interruptions and attitudes held by the different parties. Feedback occurs at the point when the receiver provides a response to the initial message by a sender. Feedback is crucial to the process of communication as it tells Communication as well as methods that can be used to better improves the daily communication. The common types of barriers that I will be addressing include language barrier- Language is a very important aspect of communication as it plays the role of mediation allowing humans to effectively understand

Monday, August 26, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

No topic - Essay Example ups to effectively solicit diverse inputs and share knowledge, skills and abilities towards an identified goal; (2) simulations and games, where learning objectives can be achieved through designing instructional approaches with simulations (paralleling actual learning environments) and games that encourage thinking outside the box and soliciting the creative skills of students; (3) use of software applications in learning through searching and navigating online sites for research projects, essays, or taking academic performance tests and fun learning games; (4) collaborative writing, where students would be assigned specific research topics where essays are to be written through group efforts (this particular scenario could use research based strategies that include cooperative grouping and technological integration); and (5) blogging feedback was also one of the classroom examples evaluated which could be used in one’s classroom as a means of soliciting inputs, comments, fee dbacks from students using technological applications, as required. All of these implementation strategies are feasible and applicable in contemporary classroom settings where students are enjoined to participate and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

KU library Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

KU library - Essay Example This paper seeks to pinpoint how the practices of variance control and setting of high-performance standards may result in ethical issues given that both have served as sources of accounting information and tools for management control systems. Fluctuations in variances such as cost, production and price need to be controlled since these have a direct effect on the product or service quality attained. Cost control entails the identification of the standard cost of output attained (Malmi & Brown, 2008). Ethical issues arise when cost control is not achieved through the comparison of the total standard cost with total actual cost; hence, needs to be traced to the responsible managers and tasked for the outcome of the failed cost controls. Whenever there are huge deviations between the costs aspects, quality of products or services offered will be affected since the management may tend to vary the prices charged too (Kaynak, 2003). Maintenance of high-performance standards may result in ethical issues in that it would result in the production of high-quality goods and services. However, this may be at a high cost, which in return may result in raising of prices that may subject the management to ethical wars by quality control bodies and consumer confederations. In the process, managers will be required to provide accurate representations of the production and quality processes. This will be in consideration of the application of variances as accounting information for the management control tool (Malmi & Brown,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Book report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Book report - Essay Example However, the Chinese artistic traditions were usually only partially valued in the Western world. For example, researchers more often studied Chinese sculpture and paid little attention to such a valuable form of art in China as calligraphy. In this regard, in his book Clunas attempts to compensate for such a one-sided traditional approach to the study of art in China, as for one he describes the mentioned virtual omission by Western scholars of calligraphy as an art form in favor of painting, and even points out that the cognomen "Chinese Art" is mostly a Western concept. In reality, as we learn, for the most period of its history in China artistic sphere was closely connected with its functions, be they decorative, religious, or political in nature. Now contrast this with the notion of a kind of an isolated museum exhibition that may arise from the Western approach to the study of art, and we may understand why Chinese art has not been fully appreciated in the West and what potenti al benefits the approach of Clunas may offer. With the mentioned innovative approaches to his investigation Craig Clunas apparently manages to penetrate deep within his subject of study due to his organic combination of study of Chinese arts in their proper contexts with attention to all their essential aspects, starting from tomb artifacts and up to the Mao Zedong era. Interestingly, with these observations in mind we can also think of Clunas`s book as simultaneously a critical investigation of the Western perception of Chinese art. Let us see how the author tackles the task that he has set before him. This can already be seen from an introduction where, instead of attempts to superficially describe the most important artists and works of art of different periods of history, Clunas rather chooses to elaborate on the plausible historic context that accompanied works of Chinese art. As we learn, it turns out

Friday, August 23, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Final Exam - Essay Example The second group was the communist nations, Soviet Union being their leader. The third world mainly consisted of the developing nations which were mostly newly independent and not aligned to any super power. These countries caused the arena for struggle and competition among the cold war super powers. The third world nations were located in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The countries were politically unstable and economically poor. This situation was mainly caused by the long periods of colonialism. The third world countries suffered lack of technology, ethnic conflicts and lack of education. The countries generally had high rates of diseases and poverty, low life expectancy and low economic development. The third world countries were unaligned hence they were seen as potential allies in the 1st and 2nd world war. Developing allies with the third world countries would mean an increase military support such as soldiers and economic support during the war. The Soviet Union and the United States tried to establish connections and form allies with these countries by offering military and economic support (Patterson 96). The connection would also enable the United States to gain strategically located alliances hence have an advantage over the Soviet Union in the war. The third world was mainly targeted for the soldiers. Forming allies with the countries would ensure military support and advantage. The most dangerous and violent moments in the conflicts were in the regions of third world because they were strategically located. Having allies in the location would unsure an advantage in the war. The Vietnam war epitomised important hall marks of the Third world intervention as it acted to save innocent lives which were in danger. 2. What did it mean that Theodore Roosevelt was comfortable seeing the United States as part of the balance of power system? Explain how World War I upset this system. Why and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Program Design of an Outpatient Adolescent Prevention Essay Example for Free

Program Design of an Outpatient Adolescent Prevention Essay The adolescence stage is often characterized as the stage of maturing from childhood to adulthood. This stage of maturing commonly occurs at the age of 12 for males and 14 for females. This is where significant developments in both physical and mental abilities of an individual begin to happen as early signs of puberty stage. This is the moment where a person or an individual starts to operate according to his or her own personal views in life and practice independence from their guardians. Furthermore, adolescence is the stage of trials where teenagers are expected to be active in doing things that differ from the usual, which will satisfy their urges due to their growing curiosity. Professionals normally define adolescence as the most critical stage of growing up. This is where an invidual experiences sudden changes in sexual drives, acquire mood swings, develop relationship with the opposite gender, and encounter different kinds of difficulties in shool and at home. Apart from these technical defiinitions of adolescence stage, it is also the stage where young people from 12 to 19 years old start to be involved in different types of substance abuse ( Health, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are different kinds of substance abuse that adolescence are faced with, namely, cigarettes,   alcohol, and drugs. These are the most popular substances of modern time amongst teenager. According to recent reasearch archives, data shows that alcohol and drug abuse are the most common substance that teenagers abuse. In 2006, there was 1.2 million adolescents from 12 to 17 years old who smoked cigerettes; 631,000 drank alcohol; and 586,000 experienced drug dependency (Focus Adolescent Services, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This data clearly indicates that most of young individuals in the puberty stage are involved to these kinds of abuses. Figures mentioned show that drug abuse has the lowest percentage of abuse among the three substances. Continuous efforts and programs to decrease the number of adolescents involved in drug dependency is constantly needed because of the high potential hazardous effect it can cause to the life of young individuals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, efforts and supportive programs are implemented over the years, considering the serious effect that drug abuse can cause on the lives of the youth. Because of the active campaign to battle adolescents drug dependency, success is evident in positive results that show the decreasig number of young ones involved in drugs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One effective way of treatment for adolescent drug dependency is by means of drug rehabilitation centers. This is the traditional method for treating drug dependency among individuals. These centers are characterized as the special environment for drug abusers coming from different backgrounds, who are advised to stay in the facility for a certain period of time to achieve the needed treatment for addiction. These treatments include detoxification and counselling for possible success of recovery from drug dependents ( outpatient). In addition, drug rehabilitation centers gurantee to properly address the needed medications of drug addicts through effective programs conducted by professional doctors, psychiatrists and counsellors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aside from the traditional way of drug rehabilitation, another possible way to properly address the abuse of drugs among teenagers is through outpatient rehabilitation. This program has the same purpose of addressing needed medications for adolescent drug abusers. However, with this type of program, patients no longer need to stay inside the rehabilitation center to get needed attention from addiction to recover from drug abuse. Basically, outpatient rehabilitation is like a live-in residential program that is usually done at home ( outpatient). Although outpatient program is advisable for minor cases only, it has a big potential to be as effective as the traditional rehabilitation center. With the proper formulation and implementation of this program for adolescents involved in drug abuse, outpatient program can be a reliable way to properly address drug abuse among teenager. Furthermore, this type of program is advisable to ensure continuous recovery of   the patient after undergoing treatment in a rehabilitation center ( outpatient).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In accordance with the concept of outpatient rehabilitation program, I designed a program design for outpatient adolescents who engage in drug abuse. This program is formulated to contribute on the ongoing campaign to lower the rate of adolescents that are suffering from drug abuse. The main objective of this program is to protect the adolescents from the risk of further deterioration of drug abuse. Drug dependency in the puberty stage is a critical issue that needs to be addressed. Nevertheless, this program will make its own contribution to ease the problem of drug abuse. It will focus on rehabilitative works for adolescents to further effect recovery from drug abuse and addiction. Outpatient rehabilitation may be advisable among adolescents with minor drug abuse only. However, the program will also serve as a safety measure to ensure the effectivity of the rehabilitation center towards full recovery of the patient. Furthermore, the target of this program are the teenagers who have undergone treatment in rehabilitation centers for treatment of drug abuse. With this design, adolescents will be advised to attend a program that will keep them interested to stay away from drugs and show them positive outcome of recovering from drug abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the understanding that teenagers are having a hard time recovering from drug abuse, the design of this outpatient program will protect the iniatives done by the decisive adolescents to recover from drug abuse. Also, through this program, patients will get the guarantee of effective service to help regain composure as they start to work their way to be part of the community again. Furthermore, this program will work to maintain the momentum of affecting change towards full recovery of adolescents from drug abuse. Its service will be characterized as a further rehabilitative medication for adolescents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be an effective outpatient rehabilitation program for adolescents, the program is composed of major features to address accordingly the needed treatment for drug abuse. First on the list is to empower family support. This is to explain to the family that their efforts and care is needed for the recovery of the patient. Second, the Comprehensive Education about drugs, which will give the patient the needed information about the proper use of drugs and its negative effect to the body if abused. With this, adolescents may understand that abusing drugs can cause serious effects in their health. Third is counselling and sessions with a former adolescent drug abuser who succesfully recovered from addiction. The primary purpose of which is to inspire the patient to work hard for recovery and instill positive views to stop drug abuse for a better life and future. Fourth is the Recretional Activity, which aims to give the patient a chance to be involved in various acitivities to regain confidence that will help him or her start a new life after engaging in drug addiction. Fifth is the Religious exercise. With this, adolescent drug abusers may realize the bright side of living a new life. Last of the features is regular check-ups of physician and psychiatrist to address proper medication and record the improvement of the patient. References   Focusas Adolescent (2008) Drugs and Teen Substance Abuse: Retrieved April 3 2008:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Narconon. (2007). What is a Drug Rehabilitation Center. Retrieved April 3 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ outpatient(2008), Outpatient Drug Rehabilitation: Retrieved april 3, 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Health. (2008). Adolescence. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pest analysis of auto industry Essay Example for Free

Pest analysis of auto industry Essay Type of Educational Organization: School Training Centre College Others 2. Number of successful years your organization has completed: Below 5 5-10 10-15 15Above 3. You use the internet for: Regularly on a daily basis Twice a week May be once in a week Not at all 4. Main purpose of using the internet/online presence? Please select all that apply. Work-related Study-related Email News Banking Entertainment If other, please explain 5. The technologies implemented in your Educational Organization? Bio-metric Attendance Solution CCTV Security Office Accounting System Library Management System Please mention if any ______________________________________________ 6. The source you will use to collect the study materials for your students: Please select all that apply Text Books eBooks Journals Previous year’s documents If any website, please Specific Website (Except Google): Time you spend on your office computer: Less than 30 minutes 30-60minutes 1-2 hours More than 2 hours If you are not using internet, what is the main reason for it? We don’t have time It is not interesting We do not want any publicity We don’t want to share it Device you and your students use to access the internet: Please select all that apply. Mobile phone Tablet computer such as iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc. Laptop computer Desktop computer The aspect of EDU-ERP appeals to you the most in your campus: Please select all that apply. Connecting with Parents of your students Connecting with Resource people Connecting with Teaching Non-teaching Staff Connecting with Students Have you ever subscribed to one or more Education Blogs/Websites? Yes No If yes, please specify the blogs/websites names: Information requirements of an organization can be determined by Consulting Principal/Administrator directly Through telephone calls Through e-Brochure and Mailing Others Changing an operational information system into EDU-ERP system is: Impossible Expensive and done selectively Never required Usually done On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the greatest impact) how would you rank the impact of implementing EDU-ERP in your Educational Organization ? 1 2345  6 78910 For what reason, Management team in their own organization will not design EDU-ERP? Systems have to interact with other systems They do not have the special skills necessary to design systems It is not their job   They are always very busy

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Human resource development

Human resource development INTRODUCTON Human resource development is defined by Heathfield (2010) as the framework for helping employees develops their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities. Human resource development involves using a range of learning and training techniques and strategies to change the work related behavior and attitudes of an employee (Megginson et al 1999) and it also engages in performance management in other to ensure that people can do things well or do new and better things (Gibbs 2008). This study is aimed to analyze the purpose of Human resource development and also using this aims to analyze how it helps organizations achieve sustained competitive advantage by using organization example. AIM OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Human resource development according to Philbeam and Corbridge (2002:285) is concerned with enhancing organizational performance through effective development and deployment of organizational members. To enhance performance, a human resource developer has to ensure that the individuals in the organization has the knowledge, expertise and the right attitudes to execute their work (Swanson and Arnold 1996), also, human resource development aims at ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-motivated employee it needs to sustain competitive advantage by focusing on processes that develop skills, knowledge and the attitude of the employee (Swanson Arnold 1996), such as training, developing, learning, educating and mentoring the employee (Stewart and McGoldrick 1996), and also by identifying and improving the skills and motivation of employees (Philbeam and Corbridge 2002:284). In other to ensure that the organization as the right people to sustain competitive advantage, Human resource development engage in the following training, learning, development of the individual and mentoring but before the Human resource developer makes a decision on how to train, develop, teach or mentor the employee they need to have a concept on performance management in other to see how training and development will improve the effectiveness of the employee and to know what aspect in the performance of the employee needs to be trained in other to meet the goals and values of the organization (Megginson et al 1999). Performance management Performance involves what an employee does in carrying out their duty (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Before performance is managed the performance needed by the organization should be identified in other to achieve their goals which in most organization is linked to the mission statement of the organization so that the performance can be managed in line with the organizational values and some organization will manage the performance in line with the business strategy of the organization that are required in the business context to be competitive (Torrington et al 2005). Performance management is defined by Armstrong (2009:618) as a systematic process for improving organization by developing the performance of individuals and teams. Torrington et al (2005) cited Mabey and Salaman (1995) who defined performance management as establishing a frame work in which the performance by individual can be directed, monitored, motivated and rewarded and whereby the links in the cycle can be audited. Human resource development is a means to an end. That end is usually acknowledged to be getting better results from the organization, teams and individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, objectives and standards(Gibb 2008). Every organization wants an employee that performs well in their duty it is believed that an effective performance management scheme can make the likely of good performance to occur (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Performance management goes beyond the ability and motivation of the individual it involves how goals are clearly identified in enabling the employee to understand what is expected of them in the area of their job and to set their priorities (Torrington et al 2005). Performance management scheme involves processes that can be used to encourage, motivate, evaluate, reward and identify the performance of the employee (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Performance management develops the capacity of the employee to meet, exceed and to achieve their full potential for the benefit of the organization as well as themselves, it can also serve as the basis for self development and ensure that the support and the guidance need by the employee to develop and improve is available (Armstrong 2009). Megginson et al (1999) discuss the work of Ulrich (1998) who was of the view that performance management is what employees and managers do at work, that the way they act and interact is crucial to the success of the organization and in doing this it will raise the profile and value of training as a strategy for achieving competitive advantage. Training Staffs are important resources to an organization in other to achieve economic and effective performance, in other to ensure that an organization has staffs that are capable of career advancement into the role of a specialist or a manager an organization needs to engage in adequate training (Mullins 2002). Training is defined as learning and development undertaken for the purpose of supporting development and maintenance of operational capability in employment: skills for work and in work, on-job or off-job, to enable effective performance in a job or role (Gibb 2008:5). Training involves modifying skills, knowledge and abilities through learning to achieve effective performance (Wilson 2005). It is believed that training makes an individual become effective managers as a result of their techniques having impact on inherent abilities, competence and skills (Hunt and Baruch 2003). Training makes the employees believe that the organization is committed to them and in securing their future in the organization which motivates the employees to Work harder and better (CIPD 2008), and it also develops the expertise of the individual in other to increase their performance in the organization (Swanson). Training and development is equipping the employee with the right skills, knowledge and competence to maximize performance (Philbeam and Corbridge 2002).Also, training improves the level of the organization as well as the individual competence and its also a key element in improving organizational performance (Mullins 2002). Competence is defined by Stensgaard (2004) as the combination of awareness, skills, knowledge and abilities that enables an individual to perform a job to the standards required for successful job performance. Competence is more than learned knowledge, skills and abilities but involves motives, traits, values and self concept of the individual (Clardy 2008). Clardy (2008) discuss the work of Spencer and Spencer (1993) who claim that training competence however expanded the focus on skills and knowledge which includes personality traits, increasing the number of variables that could explain and promote job performance as well as shifting emphasis from enabling adequate performance to producing superior ones. However, competence is based on skills rather than knowledge, in other word; competence training will convince employees of the need to give time and commitment to learning new skill in other to increase their performance and to see their role as accepting these challenges for change (Bramham). Having a well designed and structured competence based training and development program; the organization can work towards ensuring that they have the right skills and the right people to achieve their organizational goals and sustain competitive advantage which can only be achieved by having employees that can effectively and efficiently perform their job (Stensgaard 2004). Training is believed to improve the knowledge and the skills of the employee as well as change their attitudes toward work which can lead to benefits such as the increase in the confidence, motivation and the commitment of staffs, broaden the opportunity for career progression, give a feeling of personal achievement and satisfaction and help to improve the availability and quality of staffs (Mullins 2002). Training can be a source of motivation development for the employee if it is carried out as a form of support for the employee and in the process of training the employees learns what is expected of them in doing their job and what they need to do better (Thomason 1988). Learning One of the functions of Human Resource development is to assist the organization by creating an environment suitable for learning which is required to help develop staffs to meet agreed objectives (Wilson 2005). Learning is defined as a change in an individuals level of knowledge, skills or attitudes (Gibb 2008). Learning is believed to be the individuals ability to cope with change which can be acquired either through formal education or training or through informal experiences (Wilson 2005). As much as organizations are interested in ensuring they utilize the knowledge and skills of all their employees it is believed that little is gained through training provided at work but it is believed that most learning acquired by the individual is through their interaction with colleagues, clients which is said to be learning acquired through experience (Mullins 2002). It is believed that learning and development has helped develop employees skills in organizations which have prompted employees performance and lead to organizational success (CIPD 2008). Learning is believed to be linked to behavioral outcomes in other words learning does not only involve what is being taught but making sense of experiences and by doing that learning new skills (Stewart and McGoldrick 1996). Learning at work can be said to be learning for work and it is believed that what people learn will be applied to work in other to support current and future work requirement, also, as learning at work increases the ability of the individual at work so does learning outside work increase the individuals work performance (Megginson et al 1999). Learning can be beneficial to an organization as well as the individual in the organization by increasing the capacity and the ability of everyone to contribute to the growth of the organization, by developing the individuals skills and potentials and enabling them to be able to meet the demand of change, also, it provides a solution to organizational issues, enables the organization to meet its goals and produce a wider range of solutions to organizational issues (Mullins 2002). Development Development is believed to be a form of learning and training which changes the individual intellectually and not just changing their work skill or knowledge but the individual as a whole and it also helps the individual to grow in their career and also in all aspect of life (Gibb 2008). Development is said to involve preparing the individual in the organization for expected changes in their job or for a future job or a role (Mullins 2002). Development involves the growth of an individuals ability through learning which can be conscious or unconscious (Wilson 2005). Wilson (2005:6) cited the work of Bolton (1995) who points out that development occurs when a gain in experience is effectively combined with the conceptual understanding that can illuminate it, giving increased confidence both to act and to perceive how such actions relates to its context. Employee development involves attitude which includes concepts like growth, expansion, improvement, and education (Maund 2001), and also gives the employee opportunity to develop their skills, abilities, realize their potential and to advance their career in or outside the organization (Armstrong 2009), and to change their attitude as a result of going through the process of motivational development (Thomason 1988). Development involves the acquisition of skills which is derived from learning (Thomason 1988).Employee development as wide impact on the individual and not just on the individual but also on the organization and the community in which the organization works (Maund 2001). Mentoring Mentoring is a relationship in which experienced managers aid individuals in the earlier stage of their career and such relationship provides an environment for convening technical, interpersonal and organizational skills from the more experienced to the less experienced (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Mentoring is seen as a variable in the achievement of success for both the individual and the organization who seek to manage the development of their employees who are the future leaders to engage in order to grow and to develop to senior managers (Gibb 2008). It is believed that mentoring is a form of support in enabling women to progress up the career ladder particular in the area of professions and management (Gibb 2008). Effective mentors will not only encourage individuals to reflect upon their career goals, thereby promoting a sense of purpose and control they will also help individuals acquire the skills necessary to operate within a less hierarchical structure (CIPD 2008). The skills, approaches and the general behavior of the mentor have an important effect on the employees willingness to learn and also on the commitment shown by the employees towards the learning process (Megginson et al 1999). Also, mentors can serve as a source of motivation for the individual in a way of support in the early stage of their career (Mathis and Jackson 2003). Motivation can be used to aid the employee to give their best to their job or increase their performance in the area of their job or work according to set standards, also, it is believed that people tend to work better if they understand the nature of their job and how they are suppose to carry it out and why they are suppose to carry it out in that particular way (Thomason 1988). SUSTAINING COMPETITVE ADVANTAGE THROUGH THE WORK OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (ORGANIZATION EXAMPLE) Human resource development is viewed as an important necessity to Walt Disney because to them training is seen as an important investment in the success of their company, while some organizations see training as necessary but expensive, Walt Disney make it top priority (Handout). Walt Disney believe so strongly in a companys responsibility for training its employees (handout), and they believe that it is the talent, enthusiasm and the dedication of their employee that has sustained them over the years (Disneyland they believe that in other for their employees to perform excellently and not embarrass themselves they need to go through a training program and also need to practice whatever they have been trained on (Handout). Before starting in their new job their employees go through training program that is based on their profession and what their job entails, in other to develop their skills (Marie). They believe that everyone that works with them from the senior to the junior employer has a right to learn, develop and to grow (Marie). According to them, training, learning and practicing has important roles to play in the in the development of their employees talent and in other for them to perform well they need to be thoroughly trained and also they need to rehearse their roles which lead to the establishment of the Disney university (Hand out). Disney University is believed to be a training process and Walt Disney makes sure that every new employee goes through a training process before starting in their new job and the training process is directed towards imparting knowledge about specific job skills, competencies and also ensures that the employee has a good understanding of the companys culture and tradition (Handout). Their training is based on developing the professional ability and the performance of their employee and they believe that the employees should be able to develop themselves and in turn develop others in the process (Marie). At the Disney University student receive complete orientation called Traditions, which includes an explanation of the companys values and traditions, on-the-job training, and procedures for advancement (Handout). Their employees are also provided with teachers who serve as mentors who has more experience and who can show the employees what should be done and what not to do (handout). The implementation of training in Walt Disney was to train their employees in other to develop their skills, knowledge and their ability and as a result, get the performance needed to be competitive and to sustain a competitive advantage by having the right employees (handout). Walt Disney sees training as the bases for Human resource and as a way of developing their business, their workers and also themselves (Marie). CONCLUSION Human resource development has an important role to play in the development of an employee and in the growth of an organization, by providing an organization with the proper employees who have undergone training and learning new skills in other to develop their skills, knowledge, abilities and their competencies Reference Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 9th edn, Kogan Page, London. Brumback, G.H (2003) Blending we/me in performance management [Electronic copy], Team performance management, Volume 8, Issue 7/8, Pg 167-173. Clardy, A. (2008) Human resource development and the resource based model of core competencies: Methods for diagnosis and assessment [Electronic copy], Human resource development review, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pg 387-407. Disneyland Paris (2010) Corporate responsibility [Accessed 05/04/2010]. Gibb, S. (2008) Human resource development: Processes, Practices and Perspectives, 2nd edn, Palgrave, New York. Heathfield, S.M. (2010) What is human resource development (HRD) [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Hunt, J.W, Baruch, Y. (2003) Developing top managers: the impact of interpersonal skills training, [Electronic copy]. Journal of Management Development, Volume 22, Issue 8, Page 729-752. Lasbleis, J.M. (2010) Training [Accessed 03/04/2010]. Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H (2003) Human resource management, 10th edn, Thomson, Ohio. Megginson, D., Banfield, P., Joy-Mathews, J. (1999) Human Resource development, 2nd edn, Kogan page, London. Mullins, L.J (2002) Management and organizational behaviour, 6th edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Philbeam, S., Corbridge, M. (2002) People resourcing: HRM in practice, 2nd edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Stensgaard, A.B (2007) Competence based training and Development,, [Accessed 29/03/2010]. Stewart, J., McGoldrick, J. (1996) Human resource development: Perspectives, strategies and practice, Pearson education, Harlow Swanson, A.R, Arnold, D.E (1996) The purpose of human resource development is to improve organizational performance, [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Swanson, R.A. () Human resource development: performance is the key [Accessed 27/03/2010]. Thomason, G. (2003) A text book of human resource management, institute of personal management, London. Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S (2005) Human resource management, 6th edn, Pearson education, Harlow. Willson, J.P. (2005) Human resource development: Learning and training for individuals and organizations, 2nd edn, Kogan page, London.

The Scarlet Letter Essay example -- Literary Analysis, Hawthorne

In the first chapter of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, a solitary rosebush stands in front of a gloomy prison to symbolize "some sweet moral blossom, that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow" (Hawthorne 56). Serving as a symbol of beauty and solitude, this rosebush foreshadows the dismal tone that will preside over the remainder of the novel and illustrates the beauty of confession and growth in contrast to the suppression and decay apparent within the prison. Hester can be compared to the rosebush due to her growth and inner beauty following her confession of having committed adultery and because she shows passionate and brazen countenance in the face of stern rigidity. On the contrary, Dimmesdale is the prison, confining his guilt of having committed adultery within himself and thus allowing the decay of his soul. It is through immense symbolism, contrasting imagery, and Biblical allusion that Hawthorne creat es both a critical and gloomy tone while speaking to the ubiquitous theme that unconfessed sin destroys the soul. Hawthorne employs Hester's scarlet letter, her punishment for committing adultery, as a powerful symbol that juxtaposes the concealed letter that Dimmesdale must face due to his hidden guilt. In the first scaffold scene, before the crowd has even witnessed Hester or the affliction that is affixed to her breast, some of the women of the town gossip over her punishment. One young woman tells her neighbors, "Let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart," (60) illustrating the fact that Hester feels shame whether or not she is forced to wear the mark. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, does not confess his sin and... ...ul conception. Pearl also provides the only bright and hopeful tone in the novel by personifying the purity associated with confession. It is Hester's confession and freedom from guilt that provides for Pearl's innocence and purity. Through pervasive symbolism, contrasting imagery, and Biblical allusion, Hawthorne creates a critical and gloomy tone and speaks to the omnipresent theme that unconfessed sin destroys the soul. Through the novel, Hester is a symbol of growth due to her freedom from the torment of unconfessed guilt while Dimmesdale represents the decay of the human spirit that results from unconfessed sin. It is Hawthorne's dark and gloomy tone regarding Dimmesdale in contrast to the hopeful and accepting tone regarding Hester and Pearl that clearly personifies his belief that confession of sin revives the soul and allows for personal growth and empathy.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Rapunzel Essay -- Hay Rapunzel Essa

A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Rapunzel  Ã‚     Ã‚   The familiar story of Rapunzel, as told by the brothers Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, takes on new meaning with a psychoanalytic interpretation. It is a complex tale about desire, achievement, and loss. The trio of husband, wife, and witch function as the ego, id, and superego respectively to govern behavior regarding a beautiful object of desire, especially when a prince discovers this object. The story begins in a rural house where a man and woman live without children, near a walled garden tended by a frightening witch. The first line of the story tells us that they yearn for a child. It is clear that there exists in this house an almost tangible feeling of desire to produce offspring. The Freudian concept of the libido or the life force explains this desire as a product of the unconscious id(Guerin 129). To show further the prevalence of the id in this house, which in itself is a symbol of the human mind, the wife covets a vegetable, rampion, which she sees in the neighboring garden from her tiny window to the outside. "I shall die unless I can have some of that rampion to eat."(Grimm 514) The wife comes to represent this selfish element of the mind, and this is her primary function in the story. When she speaks, both times she is only asking for something that she wants. She has no name, as she does not function as a full character. Her husband must take on the role of mediator to weigh her selfish desires against laws and morals that condemn stealing. This role represents the ego, which regulates the selfish id and the strict moral superego to reach a decision (Guerin 130). He decides that his wife's urgent need for the rampion outweighs the moral ... ...from the ground. These roots may very well be radishes, or rampion, which is his wife's namesake. In the end, the witch's social control balances out the desire of the prince for a wife. The man and woman, ego and id, living in a small house, the mind, bargain with the witch, the superego, who is outside of the house and represents laws and rules. They produce a child who becomes a commodity, and the rest of the story tells of the struggle between superego and id to settle the ownership of this prize. Works Cited Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm Carl. "Rapunzel." Stories. Ed. Eric S. Rabkin. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1995. 514-517. Guerin, Wilfred L., Earle Labor, Lee Morgan, Jeanne C. Reesman, and John R. Willingham. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. 125-156.      

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Importance of Family in McCullers The Member of the Wedding Essay

The Importance of Family in McCullers' The Member of the Wedding "I don't need my mother or my father anymore. I am a teenager, who needs them? I can definitely live on my own." Carson McCullers wrote a novel, The Member of the Wedding (1946), which put a twelve-year-old girl, Frankie, in the situation of leaving her family and hometown. After last year, her best friend moved away and she was left alone. She used to be very popular and hung out in all of the clubhouses around town. Now, she was not invited to any of them. Frankie is also very jealous of her older brother and his fiancà © because they get to travel all over the world. At their wedding, she plans to go off with them, and explore the world as three. Her father's helper, Berenice Sadie Brown, who is an African-American, tries to explain why she needs to stay here with her father. Not listening, she packs her bags with all of her belongings, and waits for the wedding. The wedding is celebrated an hour away from her hometown, so they are going to travel on a train. Every night, she would think about the long train ride over, but knew in the end, she would be away from the awful town. John Henry, her six-year-old cousin, always follows her around everywhere that she goes. He told her that he was running away with her, where ever she decided to go. After realizing that her brother was not going to let her stay with them, she runs away into the night. J... ...d pretty much helped Frances change her mind as well. Now, all she wanted was to be with her father. Carson McCullers wrote an extraordinary novel called, The Member of the Wedding. This novel shows real life situations to a teenager's mind. Frankie hated the town she lived, and hated living with her father. She wanted to explore the world at the age of twelve. Finally, after all of the obstacles she went through, she realized that family is exactly what she needed in her life at that moment. Although some teenager may not understand, family is one of the most important things that anyone will ever have in their life. McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding. Boston: Haughton Mifflin Company. 1973.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Design Education in the Middle East Essay

The Middle East is a part of the world that has been left behind in terms of design discourse and education. This is the result of years of struggle from political, economical, and cultural setbacks. The first part of the thesis offers a general description of the region through a brief history of events that have contributed to its current state, concentrating on Qatar, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iran. Furthermore, the existing design schools in Doha, Beirut, Cairo and Tehran are examined by their curricula and teaching methodologies with interviews from professors and students as well as project samples from various design courses offered in the schools. Consequently, a general analysis among them is deduced, examining some challenges and opportunities found in the culture and design education system. Then a selection of three of the most famous and progressive design schools in the world (Koeln International School of Design, Parsons New School for Design, and Design Academy Eindhoven) are taken into account, providing a basis for comparison as well as some direction regarding design education on global standards. As an initial venture to attempt to understand the standards of design education in Middle Eastern design students; Beirut is taken as a case study where the project ‘Public Design Intervention: Beirut’ is initiated in May 2010. Students as well as some young professionals were asked to design public interventions that are concerned with cultural, social, political and environmental issues in their country. As design is still in its primitive stages that deal mostly with commercial purpose, the participants were given the opportunity to use design as a tool for awareness and change. The results of this project provided collective motivation for the much needed improvement of the design education system. The final part of the thesis deals with design education and culture, explaining the need for a sustainable and self-generative relationship between the two. The crucial importance in understanding cultural behavior provides keys to the establishment of a design education curriculum. Moreover, the lack of cultural sensitivity is one of the main problems in Middle Eastern design education; this is largely due to the implementation of Western curricula which serve different cultural needs. Hence, a set of Middle Eastern cultural aspects are discussed, and opportunities in their implementation in design discourse are inspected. Finally, the outcome of the thesis, which initially aimed at redefining the existing design education curricula in the Middle East, is the proposal of a design research center. This center would act as a hub for the entire Middle East, creating links between Middle Eastern design schools and the industry. A crucial area of research would be to further investigate the cultural, social, and economical aspects of the region and provide more detailed and scientific knowledge that would eventually lead to the improvement of design education in the Middle East. The Middle Eastern Design Research Center is to be established in Beirut with an interdisciplinary team of designers, social scientists, and educators dedicated to understanding vital aspects of Middle Eastern culture and adopting them as core influences on a new design education program for the region. The center should also act as a link between academic projects and the manufacturing industry.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Google’s Country Experience Case Study Essay

The well-known online search engine Google still being used in mainland of China, even they shut down the â€Å"Google China† service. Chinese sometime prefer to use â€Å"Google Hong Kong† instead. The reason of that is Google provides results of search more reliable and efficiency. However, Google still quitted the market of China. The work progress of search engine is more complicate than just search the key-words. The key-words could be link to every websites that used the word, sometime it just have nothing to do with the main point. According to Curt Franklin, the search engine’s works basically performs three tasks: ( ï‚ §Search the Internet, or select pieces of the internet based on important words. ï‚ §Keep an index of the words they found, and where they found them. ï‚ §Allow user to look for words or combinations of words found in that index. In that index, they don’t only sort the websites by key words, but also by contents. So each time we search something by words, in order to get what exactly we need, the system would find out more results that link to these words in the index. That’s how that’s how sometime we got results helpful but have no same key words with what we typed in. Search engines always provide free search experience for users; they make money from other websites. For websites, of no one check on at all, that won’t be necessary to exist. Search engines are just a good way to bring those websites in front of people’s eyes. According to Grant Crowell, there are a lot ways to make money for a search engine website. They can all sort into 3 aspects: ( ï‚ §Provide unique search technologies, a search engine has to consider what differentiates its search product from others. And they can sell the technologies to others. ï‚ §Commercial search results, which means those websites they can pay to the search engine for raise their websites’ shown on the result list. ï‚ §Advertising, provide advertise link which about what users search out of the search results. One step further, search engines could build some partnerships with a diversity of vendors, partners,products, and sales channels. However, as the internet getting bigger, Google grew bigger. Today’s Google is not just a search engines. We could find news, music, movies channels on it. Google system on cellphone is still in competition with Apple’s IOS IPhone system. Lately, with internet going everywhere in our life, Google’s own laptop system has become more popular. Which has no hard drive, everything saves on Google cloud. Obviously, the ways Google make money are more than we can imagine. The search engines have high exportability in every country as long as they use internet there. It like a transportation industry, no matter what people do, they need transportation to move their goods. Search engines are just â€Å"transportations† which bring the websites with information that user need to them. It’s good to bring the technology into a new area; it may improve internet users’ experience. The business model for Google or others search engines basically is selling advertises on search results. But these advertises are going to be useful based on what users searched. There are users looking for information, and also organizations which trying to giving information. The search engines give user search result and there advertisings about what they need to them, and get paid from these organization who post those advertising.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Remembering an event

Before wrestling was always that little overweight kid who was instantly being made fun of when I was in elementary and middle school, which explains why I'm shy sometimes towards people because I'm afraid I might be judged. Also at home when I was young, I would always get yelled at for everything that did even when I didn't do anything's because was the oldest of my brother and sister. All know is that I didn't like my childhood at all as I was growing up. When became a teenager, I started high school and things changed.Things started to change when started high school, I darted making new friends, and was also ditching a lot and making terrible decisions. Freshman year wasn't that bad because wasn't failing, but at the same time I wasn't getting good Benefactors grades. Sophomore year I started lowering my grades because started hanging out with kids older than me, so would ditch a lot. They weren't in gangs or anything bad, they were just older than me and had cars. I already had the thought in my head that wasn't going to go to college, or that wasn't going to do anything good in my life.Once I started noir year everything changed. I met this kid in my class named Juan, who was into military things and sports that had to do with fighting. In the winter, Juan had told me that he wanted to join wrestling, and that I should join with him, so I did. When the season started I didn't think I was going to stick with it because I didn't know anybody, and would get tired quickly. Weeks passed and I started to learn more moves, and I also began losing weight and gaining muscle. I began eating healthier and started lifting more weights.The coach loud always joke around with us after we had a good practice and serious if he saw that we didn't try at all. The thing that made everybody look up to the coach and respect him was that he would give us motivational speeches before and after our matches, which made me win each time. Senior year came, and got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if wanted the spot permanently and also to be in the team, I had to stop ditching my classes and start getting my grades up. Ewe the coach was right so told him that I would, and I did. That year was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and I won four tournaments first place, and my final record was 22-4. By the end of senior year, I had made a lot of friends, and also I was passing my classes, and if I wanted to Benefactors graduate all had to do was make up the classes that I failed my freshman and sophomore year by attending night school. This event changed me by making me try harder in life if I want to achieve my goals.At the end of it all wrestling was en of the biggest events that I want to keep remembering for the rest of my year came, and I got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if I wante d the spot start getting my grades up. I knew the coach was right so I told him that would, and did. Thayer was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and won four tournaments first place, and my final record Benefactors graduate all I had to do was make up the classes that failed my one of the biggest events that want to keep remembering for the rest of my life. Remembering an event Before wrestling was always that little overweight kid who was instantly being made fun of when I was in elementary and middle school, which explains why I'm shy sometimes towards people because I'm afraid I might be judged. Also at home when I was young, I would always get yelled at for everything that did even when I didn't do anything's because was the oldest of my brother and sister. All know is that I didn't like my childhood at all as I was growing up. When became a teenager, I started high school and things changed.Things started to change when started high school, I darted making new friends, and was also ditching a lot and making terrible decisions. Freshman year wasn't that bad because wasn't failing, but at the same time I wasn't getting good Benefactors grades. Sophomore year I started lowering my grades because started hanging out with kids older than me, so would ditch a lot. They weren't in gangs or anything bad, they were just older than me and had cars. I already had the thought in my head that wasn't going to go to college, or that wasn't going to do anything good in my life.Once I started noir year everything changed. I met this kid in my class named Juan, who was into military things and sports that had to do with fighting. In the winter, Juan had told me that he wanted to join wrestling, and that I should join with him, so I did. When the season started I didn't think I was going to stick with it because I didn't know anybody, and would get tired quickly. Weeks passed and I started to learn more moves, and I also began losing weight and gaining muscle. I began eating healthier and started lifting more weights.The coach loud always joke around with us after we had a good practice and serious if he saw that we didn't try at all. The thing that made everybody look up to the coach and respect him was that he would give us motivational speeches before and after our matches, which made me win each time. Senior year came, and got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if wanted the spot permanently and also to be in the team, I had to stop ditching my classes and start getting my grades up. Ewe the coach was right so told him that I would, and I did. That year was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and I won four tournaments first place, and my final record was 22-4. By the end of senior year, I had made a lot of friends, and also I was passing my classes, and if I wanted to Benefactors graduate all had to do was make up the classes that I failed my freshman and sophomore year by attending night school. This event changed me by making me try harder in life if I want to achieve my goals.At the end of it all wrestling was en of the biggest events that I want to keep remembering for the rest of my year came, and I got the varsity spot for heavyweight and that made me get really excited. The coach talked to me and told me that if I wante d the spot start getting my grades up. I knew the coach was right so I told him that would, and did. Thayer was my best season because I went undefeated for 14 matches, and won four tournaments first place, and my final record Benefactors graduate all I had to do was make up the classes that failed my one of the biggest events that want to keep remembering for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Lamp at Noon

In the short story† the lamp at noon† Sinclair Ross is trying to develop that idea that sometimes in life individuals are often driven mad by their geographical isolation. A young couples dreams of happiness after are torn apart by the horrendous elements of nature and by lack of communication to cope with the changing condition. First of all the author Sinclair Ross uses to convey the idea of isolation is through the horrendous setting. The setting was described in a very detail manner creating imagery that helps focus of how isolated the couples felt.The author develops the setting by using personification, for example†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Demented wind fled kneeling past the house; a wall through the eaves that died every minute or two†. This statement is given the reader the mood of the setting, a dark, dreary, somewhat ugly, and depressing scene. The change in weather reflects how the characters are feeling. Paul and Ellen both feel upset, depressed, and dark especiall y about their relationship too. As the story progress, the change in weather effects the character moods a little more directly.The setting in this short story is critical element in the story, without it, the plot would be kind of dull, because it gives the reader an idea of the time and place in the story’s plot ,which help the reader focus of how isolated the characters feels. Second way that the author help defined the character is by using characterization. Sinclair used outstanding description for the two main characters. This is because they could both relate fairly, easily, and realistically. Ellen’s strong feeling which revolve around the idea of a better, healthier and even a little more â€Å"rewarding† life are nicely depicted.The reality of her hopes, however, is that the thing’s she wants and needs most are unattainable, which links to how isolated she feels. Ellen feels if she doesn’t acquire these glamorous items, she gets depressed . Ellen just sits and waits for a better opportunity, and her husband to come safe and sound to comfort her with love and affection as shown in this quote†¦Ã¢â‚¬ please stay†¦ I m so caged if I could only break away and run. See I stand like this all day. I can’t relax. My throat so tight it aches.From this quote, you can already tell how the characters feel and how Ellen way of describing the way she feels portrayed an accustomed to the finer things in life, but also that she needs love and care from her husband to replace that need. Now Paul on the other side, a rugged, strong, pride farmer is a touch stronger and make more persistent for success compared to Ellen. He struggles to keep his land and livestock alive and booming. He was quite determined in staying and trying, and waiting for the land to get better, as well as lots of rain to feed them.There was a constant motion of his feeling for rain and better crops the following year. â€Å"Well have crops agai n†¦ good crops. The land will come back, it’s worth waiting for†. The pride Paul has for his land, the hope he keeps for progression of his land success, and the strength, physical and emotional he has is great example. Since he is the only one who feels this way between himself and Ellen, he is â€Å"isolated†, as well. Characters, their feeling and actions described a vital role in the contribution towards how they feel about the land.They both individually isolated themselves, as well as isolated together from society because of the phenomena that’s happening. Last, but not least the author uses symbolism. This is meaningful it spread out through the story. The author uses one symbol the help the reader realized how import it truly is. The author uses the lamp, the fact that it is lit at noon show’s that it is constantly dark, and foggy from all the storm, which symbolizes hope and faith the couple has for each other, for a better life, and for their child. The lamp is a very important element in story.Ellen also points out the lamps role†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ desert. The lamp lit at noon†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this quote shows the lingering thread of hope and faith left among the two, away to deal with isolation. Ellen’s sign of fear shows the weakness and defeat which slowly bottles up and explodes in anger later on leaving the house and taking the baby knowing that the bay would not survived. In conclusion, the author ways how not be act with isolation setting beside you, and has done a good job of it. This was created by the characters mood and symbolism that help contribute the way the couple felt about been isolated.

Cause and Effect Essay Essay Example for Free (#6)

Cause and Effect Essay Essay In Act Four Scene One Friar Lawrence explains the plan to Juliet, â€Å" Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off, When presently through all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse Shall keep his native progress, but surcease. No warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest. The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade To paly ashes, thy eyes’ windows fall Like death when he shuts up the day of life. Each part, deprived of supple government, Shall, stiff and stark and cold, appear like death. And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death Thou shalt continue two and forty hours,And then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead. Then, as the manner of our country is, In thy best robes uncovered on the bier Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie. In the meantime, against thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,And hither shall he come, and he and I Will watch thy waking, and that very night Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua. In Act Four Scene One Friar Lawrence explains the plan to Juliet, â€Å" Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off, When presently through all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse Shall keep his native progress, but surcease. No warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest. The roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade To paly ashes, thy eyes’ windows fall Like death when he shuts up the day of life. Each part, deprived of supple government, Shall, stiff and stark and cold, appear like death. And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death Thou shalt continue two and forty hours,And then awake as from a pleasant sleep. Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead. Then, as the manner of our country is, In thy best robes uncovered on the bier Thou shalt be borne to that same ancient vault Where all the kindred of the Capulets lie. In the meantime, against thou shalt awake, Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift,And hither shall he come, and he and I Will watch thy waking, and that very night Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua. † Cause and Effect Essay. (2016, Sep 18).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diplomacy - Essay Example The evolving elements of world politics can be identified as the accelerators of the transformation to the modern day diplomacy. There exist a direct impact of politics on diplomacy and diplomatic relations between nations. Numerous changes have been realized in the evolution of diplomacy. The old elements of diplomacy did not become extinct; they only evolved and changed with the times. Characteristics of diplomacy The old diplomacy The old diplomatic system can be characterized by the use of bilateral negotiations. This negotiation takes place between two nations or two representatives (Rourke, 263). In the context of this system, the negotiating parties were only presenting the views they had been sent to present. The process usually took long because of the limited power bestowed on the diplomats. Rarely did the heads of states meet face-to-face to negotiate anything. The use of emissaries was an extremely popular characteristic of the old diplomacy. Modern era diplomacy The mode rn diplomacy can be characterized by multilateral negotiations (Rourke, 263). These involve numerous countries negotiating towards a common goal. The rising number of global issues of concern can be attributed to the adoption of this system. The changes have been necessitated by one issue, like global warming, affecting many countries. Bilateral negotiations take place through conferences and meetings of several parties with a common goal. The comparisons Though diplomacy can be said to have evolved, the goal it aims at achieving remains the same. Reaching an agreement or coming up with a solution to a problem remains the core goal of diplomacy. This conclusion does not regard any of the diplomatic systems. However, numerous evolvements have created a change in diplomacy, and hence the transition from the old diplomacy to the modern era diplomacy. Numerous aspects on how diplomacy was conducted have changed to accommodate the modern are diplomatic system. Within the context of tradi tional diplomacy, it was rare to see a diplomatic congregation of more that two nations. This has, however, become the trend in the modern diplomacy (Rourke, 264). Negotiations between two parties have become rare. This can be attributed to the increasing level of global issues. Traditionally, there were few issues affecting more than one nation. While it was rare to see heads of state meeting personally with one another at a negotiation table in the old diplomacy, this happens severally in the modern case. Emissaries represent governments at the initial stage of diplomacy in the modern system. When the negotiations reach advance stages, the heads of states come into the negotiations. The role of heads of states in the old system was to send emissaries. Negotiations were carried out purely by the emissaries. Negotiations by heads of states have been termed as having dangerous repercussions should they fail to reach an agreement. Since it comes as the final solution, failure at this stage becomes catastrophic. In the modern era diplomacy, Presidents have been discouraged from taking part in negotiations. Secrecy of diplomatic proceedings was a top priority in the old diplomacy. The emissaries were required to deliver the message only to the specified person. In the modern era diplomacy, the proceedings go on in public. Reports are published about the proceedings of conferences and made public. The element of secrecy has been dealt away within the